Special Notice - Harassment From Mr. Dunsmoor

Notice Concerning Harassment From Mr. Dunsmoor

We have been made aware of a lawyer based in New York State approaching current and former clients of Gresham International. This individual attempts to send disparaging and often false information in their communication with individuals. The information is sometimes derogatory toward Gresham International, its staff, and contains inappropriate language. We have kept the New York Bar association and Relevant Law enforcement authorities up to date with the ongoing harassment. Our team highlights that at no time have we ever worked with, for, or alongside Mr. Dunsmoor or any of the multiple law firms he claims to be part of. If you receive any messages from Mr. Dunsmoor we advise you to please forward us a copy. If you believe the communication is inappropriate, you have the right to contact the New York bar if you believe such communication breaches their rules. Gresham International has, and will continue, to operate at the highest level of professionalism. If any party or person believes that Gresham International or any of its team has breached any regulatory rules, they are more than welcome to contact any of our regulatory bodies, or law enforcement professionals. Gresham International does not tolerate any harassment of its staff or clients. As of late December 2023 Mr. Dunsmoor is not allowed to practice law in the State of New York (Suspended) and has been reprimanded by the State of State of Pensilvania for his conduct. We are aware of Mr. Dunsmoor also continuing to spread false and disparaging information about Gresham International and other parties and thank you for those of you who have reported the same to our team. Update as of April 2024 Mr. Dunsmoor has increased his activities including the production of video's, circulation of materials, production of articles and contacting/harassing of current and former clients. We advise all of our clients and any parties that come into contact with him to do the following: 1. We urge caution. Dunsmoor can often become confrontational if questioned of challenged. This often results in him threatening 'legal action' against parties or accusing them of acting in bad faith/engaging in illegal activities. 2. We urge restraint. It is often a natural reaction to respond to people who suggest you or the people you have worked with are engaging in illegal or wrongful activity. Stand fast in the knowledge that you are not doing any wrong and ignore this individual. Those desperate for attention often thrive off the response of others. His behavior has led us and others to believe that there is a chance he is unwell. 3. Confirm. Mr. Dunsmoor makes numerous accusations against the firm and the members, especially Cal Evans, our managing associate. Feel free to ask any questions or ask for confirmation of any regulatory or registration information. Our website contains Regulator Information we are obliged to provide in key communication and dealings with the public under the Legal Services Act. As a client, you have a copy of our complaints procedure. We assert that all of the information he is circulating is false and/or badly informed. 4. Report. Feel free to report the activity to us. If you believe that Mr. Dunsmoor is threatening or attempting to harass you, you have the right to report the matter to law enforcement agencies. Clients in some locations should be aware that defamation is a criminal matter, including the Malicious Communications Act of the United Kingdom. If you feel you are in danger at any time contact your local emergency services. Law enforcement and regulators are aware of his behavior. Injunctive, tortious, and defamatory proceedings are (at the time of writing) being prepared. A number of his articles have been removed by the websites they have been published on. We are also aware that Mr. Dunsmoor has contacted the individuals connected with the Aubit/Freeway lawsuits. We are aware of the fake law firm(s) that these individuals established and their admission of engaging in illegal activities. We do not believe at this time that he has engaged in that criminal behavior prior to the lawsuits, but the law enforcement agencies investigating that have been kept updated. We believe he is now referring to these individuals as his 'colleagues' WITHOUT knowledge of the Freeway Scam Website and the information contained on that/the general criminal activities of the parties involved before the Freeway Lawsuits.

Last updated