Notice for U.S Persons

V2.1.1. - September 2022


This notice is prepared for U.S. persons only. ‘U.S. Persons’ shall mean any person who is a Citizen or Resident of the United States and is present within the United States’ It also includes any corporation, LLC, or other body as organized within the United States. Due to the nature of legal services within the U.S. - Gresham International does not work as a law firm, lawyer, attorneys office, or the equivalent within your State or across the U.S. as a whole. Gresham International and its team can provide compliance services which are alined to the development and deployment of corporate and cryptographic assets (sometimes in the U.S. these are considered a type of security regulated by the SEC). Additionally, they can assist with certain U.S. tax issues. They cannot, however, represent you as an attorney at law nor provide you with legal advice. Therefore, we are classed and work as compliance consultants within the U.S. This does not relate to any person who is a director, member, or shareholder of a foreign entity which is not based in the U.S. and is seeking legal advice for such an entity as its officer/agent. Additionally, it does not apply to any U.S. persons who is not in the United States of America at the time they are seeking such advice. ALL US PERSONS INCLUDING THEIR AGENTS, AFFILIATES, OFFICERS, AND DIRECTORS WAVE ANY RIGHTS TO PARTICIPATE IN OR ENGAGE IN ANY CLASS ACTION LAWSUIT TOWARD GRESHAM OR ANY OF ITS MEMBERS, AGENTS, TEAM, DIRECTORS, SHAREHOLDERS, OR ANY OTHER PARTY. IN ENGAGING WITH GRESHAM, USING MATERIALS PRODUCED FEATURING ANY GRESHAM TEAM MEMBER, OR IN PARTICIPATING IN ANY CLIENT ACTIVITY YOU ARE DEEMED TO HOLD GRESHAM HARMLESS (INCLUDING ITS MEMBERS, DIRECTORS, SHAREHOLDERS, AGENTS AND TEAM MEMBERS) FOR ANY AND ALL LOSSES ARISING FROM OR OUT OF YOUR USE OR ENGAGEMENT IN ANY CLIENT SERVICE, OFFERING, OR DIGITAL ASSET PRODUCED BY THEM. STATEMENTS MADE BY GRESHAM TEAM MEMBERS OR GRESHAM ARE NOT INVESTMENT OR FINANCIAL ADVNCE AND SHOULD NOT BE TREATED AS SUCH. ALL PARTIES ARE ADVISED TO UNDERTAKE THEIR OWN DUE DILIGENCE AND THE FEATURING OF MATERIALS, OR PERSONS FROM GRESHAM (DIRECTLY OR INDIRECTLY) ARE NOT INVESTMENT, SOLICITATION FOR INVESTMENT, OR AN ENDORSEMENT OF ANY PROJECT, SERVICE OR OFFERING. ADDITIONALLY ANY AND ALL PARTIES BASED IN THE US WHO ENGAGE WITH GRESHAM WAVE ANY AND ALL RIGHTS TO CLAIM 'ALTER-EGO' STATUS OF ANY GRESHAM INTERNATIONAL COMPANY. ANY COMPANY USING THE GRESHAM INTERNATIONAL BRAND DOES SO UNDER LICENSE AND IS NOT THE SAME COMPANY OPERATING AS ANOTHER. If you are a U.S. person, or plan on targeting the U.S. market on an ongoing basis, you should retain local U.S. counsel or Gresham International can introduce you to their partner/of counsel based within the U.S. You will be required to retain our of counsel through us in order to benefit from that service. Please note, some members of the Gresham International team may work for U.S. companies, however such an arrangement is undertaken specifically with the permission of the local bar association of that company. For Tax, Crypto, and Corporate Compliance issues we are more than able and happy to assist you. You should speak with your associate about what level of assistance can be provided within your State. Finally, Gresham International Group Ltd is not based in the United States. It does not have a Tax ID and does not engage with nor have dealing with the U.S. Tax Body (The IRS). Accordingly, Gresham International shall not provide any tax documents to any client regardless of requirements. Invoices can be produced as proof of work with Gresham International which are suitable for the purposes of Tax returns. Occasionally, we may, from time to time take payment from U.S. persons in the provision of services. If such payment is taken, it can be necessary to use a local bank through a service provider within our network. The use of such a local bank does not and is not an admission of any of the work being conducted or carried out within the U.S. It is also not an admission for jurisdictional reach for the purposes of any complaint, or filing of any complaint. In signing our Terms of Service you are deemed to have inspected or accepted these terms.

Last updated