Special Notice - Aubit/Freeway

Notice concerning Aubit/Freeway

We are aware that late in 2022 the Aubit (Sometimes called Freeway) project encountered financial difficulty due to a financial services firm based in Europe. While we do not have all of the details (as we were not actively working with them at that time) we are aware of the following: When the failiure first occurred, we had not worked with Aubit for some time. Despite this, we began assisting their in-house legal team (pro-bono) with recovery of assets for the benefit of those impacted. We are aware that there is/was a road to (at least partial) recovery and that is being explored with regulators and lawyers on behalf of Aubit. We also believe that the Greek Authorities have started proceedings against those who have, they believe, undertaken criminal activities. It should be noted that Aubit/Freeway switched to their own in-house team and the use of other third party counsel for some years since our engagement. After we became aware of the situation, we began assisting in any way that we could to help those impacted. We also followed all necessary steps and reported the matter to the UK FCA and the National Crime Agency. We know that several other regulators are looking into this issue as it was reported, independently by Aubit. We are also aware that they had worked with counsel to recover funds for users including the appointment of multiple liquidators. Until a Winding Up petition was filed in the Cayman Islands, regular updates were provided by the team. Steps you can take if you are impacted: If you believe that any fraud has been undertaken by any member of the Aubit Team you should contact your local financial services regulator. Keep all documents, transactions, and any information as evidence and file a report with them. You can also contact special financial police if such a body exists where you live. However, we are aware that the UK FCA are managing a complaint and investigation into the matter. Contact the UK FCA here: https://www.fca.org.uk/consumers/how-complain If you have any information relating to the whereabouts of any of the Greek persons associated with the regulated exchange Ardu Prime you should contact the Greek Police financial crimes unit. The best place to start is by filing a 'cyber crime police report, here: https://www.gov.gr/en/org/astynomia/kataggelies Finally, you can contact the liquidators managing the matter in the Cayman Islands directly by email: AuBitInternational@fticonsulting.com - You should consult with local counsel and make any claim for losses directly to them. Although we would suggest contacting the secondary liquidator operating for the Seychelles Company - FPP you can contact them via the FFP email freeway@ffp.ky. If you cannot afford counsel, you should contact the FFP liquidators. The liquidators have a duty to provide assistance to those who are owed money from the company. We would also suggest that you use a local lawyer qualified who is permitted to work where you live.

Last updated